Tuesday, February 21

Team calendar

Thanks to Jeff for putting together the racing calendar!  It's an excellent resource to have.

I have created a link to the calendar on the blog, right above the jersey image.  Please use this link to view and update the calendar throughout the season.

Racing is coming soon!

Wednesday, February 8

Workout tonight - Wednesday 02/08/12

Guys -

Tough to say what the road conditions will be like this evening.  So with that in mind, let's say tonight is optional.  If you can make it to the shop, you're welcome to train upstairs until 7:45.  Otherwise, please train on your own.

Unfortunately I don't have a workout to post for tonight, but it sounds like several of you have your own workout schedule anyway.  Hodos: when you get a chance, could you email me some February workouts?


Saturday, February 4

Sunday outdoor ride CANCELLED

Per Bill's email, the outdoor ride scheduled for tomorrow morning is cancelled due to the potential for bad roads.

So we'll workout at the shop, normal time.  Meet at 9:00, begin workout at 9:30 at Pro Bikes.  Remember - $5 to use the training equipment.

I'm still planning to ride outside regardless.  I'll be at the shop at 9:00 to unlock, then head out for a few hours in the North Hills on my fixed gear.  Anyone who wishes to join me is welcome to tag along.


Depending which weather forecast I looked at the snow and rain may be over.  However, the forecast indicates it will not be much above freezing tomorrow and appears to be cloudy too. This will provide little chance to dry the roads and I have about 1/2-inch of snow in the shadows of the lawn.  Unless there is overwhelming urge to ride outside I propose to postpone my Beagle Club ride until better weather, that dam groundhog.

Let's plan to train indoors, usual time, usual place.  Post to the web so we don't leave anyone outdoors.


Friday, February 3

Sunday ride 02/05/12: outdoors

Hey gang -

It looks nice enough to ride outside this Sunday morning: about 30 degrees at the start, warming up to 40 by mid-day, dry as a bone.  Not bad for early February!

The ride will officially be starting from the Collier Town Square Starbucks (1597 Washington Pike).  Meet at 9:00, wheels down at 9:30.  Plan on 35-40 miles of solid Zone 2, returning to Starbucks by noon-ish.  Bill is responsible for the route.

I'll be riding out there from the city.  Send me an email if you'd like to join me: keevohn@gmail.com

Here's hoping for a big turnout!